Expensive Real Estate

Expensive Real Estate

Proverbs 23:7

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”


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Today’s Devotional
Our minds are the most expensive real estate we can invest in. The way you think determines the fulfillment in your life. Invest in things that can enhance your mind and your way of thinking to have a better future.

Thank you Lord for everything that I have learned so far. But I want more. I want to know more and go further with the mind you have given me. I will think good thoughts to help build a better future for myself and those around me in Jesus name, Amen!

Go Deeper
What have you invested in?
What are some ways you can start to invest in your mind?

tonight – 10:30pm EST on Daystar
Everyone wants to be an influencer. But can we really influence Heaven? In this series, Pastor Ron will go through practical steps on how to get our prayers answered. He will teach us about our citizenship in the kingdom and how to approach God directly in his throne room.

RCM Influencer Daystar

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