


Psalms 46:1 (NKJV)
“God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.”


Today’s Devotional
Our dilemmas are God’s opportunities! They show us our need for God AND they give God space to show up in our lives in miraculous ways! Today, know that you are not alone in whatever difficulty you may be facing. You WILL see God move in your life. When you look back at how God came through for you, all you’ll be able to say is “God, You truly are a miracle-working God!”


Father, thank You for being an ever present help in trouble. There are problems I’m facing that are just too big for my hands. But I know that You can take care of them. I know that this is just an opportunity to see You work a miracle in my life. Thank You in advance for taking care of my problem! In Jesus’ name, amen!


Go Deeper
What is my perspective on the problems I’m facing?
Do I see them as dilemmas, or as an opportunity for God to show up in a big way?


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The opportunity of a lifetime only lasts as long as the lifetime of the opportunity. In a new series, “Doors”, Pastor Ron Carpenter discusses preparing for the opportunity that may define your destiny and get you in front of the proper door that leads to the rest of your life.

Ron Carpenter Doors

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