Relationship Check-Up

Relationship Check-Up

1 Corinthians 13:7

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”


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Today’s Devotional
There are people in our lives that we love to be around and others we just endure. Evaluate who is in your life to make sure you are living your best life.

Thank you Holy Spirit for being my guide. Keep showing me who I need to have by my side and give me clarity on those people that will be toxic for me. In Jesus name, Amen!

Go Deeper
Who brings out the worst in you?
Who brings out the best in you?

Pastors Ron and Hope Carpenter would like to invite you to visit us in person and experience all that Redemption has to offer. Come visit us at our new location in San Jose, CA or at our Raleigh, NC location and experience our live worship experience and get a spirit-filling word from Pastor Ron Carpenter.

For service times and directions, just click the button below and we hope to see you soon at Redemption.


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